About The French Institute In Paris
The French Institute, operator of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs in Paris for cultural action abroad, replaces the association CulturesFrance as an EPIC (a State-owned commercial and industrial establishment) with an expanded scope of action and reinforced means.
Chaired by Pierre BUHLER, the French Institute works closely with the French cultural network abroad comprising more than 150 institutes and about 1 000 cultural alliances all over the world.
By establishing the French Institute, the government wishes to entrust a single agency with the mission of promoting cultural activities outside France through artistic exchanges, (live performances, visual arts, architecture…), as well as world-wide diffusion of French language, books, films, knowledge and ideas. Accordingly, the institute has developed a new scientific program for the dissemination of scientific culture.
The French Institute welcomes foreign cultures in France through the organization of “seasons” or festivals and cooperates with countries of the south. Furthermore, the institute offers an international residency program in France and abroad.